Crystal Comms

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Unified Communications

Unified communications have never been so easy - Our custom made Crystal Clear hardware appliance is built in-house from the ground up and provides enterprise-class PBX functionality, call recordings, emails, fax-to-email, chat client and more!

Hosted VOIP Solutions

Don't want an onsite PBX appliance? No problem - Crystal Comms can host your appliance in the cloud for customers with smaller installations and/or mulitple branch offices. Cloud hosting is a great, affordable way to reduce your IT footprint whilst still having enterprise-class features.


Crystal Comms isn't simply a VOIP platform - we are a fuly fledged ISP as well! This means that we can design and deploy unified communications from the ground up for you, taking care of everything - your internet connection, voice and data connections and any traditional phone systems if you have them!